
- Summary
Time played:324H 55M 8SGames played:1109Current Credits:60,939Leaderboards:#14,203 (Top 2%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Squad EliteNov 25, 2012 00:03N7 Weekend Challenge IINov 25, 2012 00:03Operation PrivateerNov 25, 2012 00:03Weekend ChallengeNov 25, 2012 00:03Geth Trooper Points 3Nov 24, 2012 23:38Scion Points 2Nov 15, 2012 21:17Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Nov 15, 2012 21:10Geth Prime Points 3Nov 15, 2012 20:57Collector Captain Points 2Nov 15, 2012 19:21Firebase Goddess ExtractionsNov 15, 2012 19:01
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Firebase White: Gold Waves99%
99 of 100Husk Points 295%
286768 of 300000Over-Cover Grab 293%
93 of 100Firebase Condor Extractions93%
14 of 15Atlas Points 392%
416853 of 450000Abomination Points 291%
274649 of 300000Geth Bomber Points 290%
270377 of 300000M-99 Saber Use89%
125442 of 140000