
- Summary
Time played:183H 3M 28SGames played:517Current Credits:644,531Leaderboards:#25,755 (Top 3%)#39,087 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Melee Damage Use 3Jan 2, 2014 18:02Graal Spike Thrower UseJan 1, 2014 17:36Firebase Hydra: Gold WavesJan 1, 2014 00:13Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Dec 26, 2013 20:24Firebase Hydra ExtractionsDec 26, 2013 20:07Carnage UseOct 3, 2013 13:56Banshee Points 2Sep 28, 2013 18:06Brute Points 2Sep 27, 2013 17:27Striker Assault Rifle UseSep 27, 2013 16:58Collector MasterySep 25, 2013 16:51
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21M-12 Locust Use99%
138680 of 140000Marauder Points 298%
295567 of 300000Phaeston Use98%
196890 of 200000Turian Sentinel Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Promotions95%
57 of 60Banshee Points 394%
427289 of 450000Brute Points 394%
427230 of 450000N7 Typhoon Use94%
131758 of 140000