- Summary
Time played:63H 14M 8SGames played:261Current Credits:14,807Leaderboards:#102,326 (Top 9%)#234,088 (Top 30%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 1Feb 16, 2013 18:16Reegar Carbine UseFeb 15, 2013 23:59Striker Assault Rifle UseFeb 10, 2013 20:19Striker Assault Rifle UseFeb 10, 2013 19:17Reegar Carbine UseFeb 10, 2013 15:34Biotic Charge UseFeb 9, 2013 17:57
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Resurgence Mastery11%
1 of 9Rebellion Mastery11%
1 of 9Bronze Extractions84%
21 of 25Phoenix Vanguard Extractions80%
8 of 10Headshots 177%
194 of 250M-98 Widow Use75%
105045 of 140000N7 Demolisher Extractions70%
7 of 10Geth Trooper Points 169%
104179 of 150000Hazard: Bronze Waves69%
138 of 200Sentry Turret Use57%
28845 of 50000