
- Summary
Time played:368H 11M 19SGames played:1142Current Credits:20,868Leaderboards:#12,147 (Top 1%)#17,119 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Brute Points 3Jun 11, 2016 21:32Black Widow UseJun 11, 2016 08:33Geth Bomber Points 3Jun 11, 2016 08:25Ravager Points 2May 9, 2015 23:27Annihilation Field UseMay 9, 2015 22:28Dragoon Points 1Nov 1, 2014 19:08Map MasteryNov 1, 2014 19:05Firebase Jade: Gold WavesNov 1, 2014 19:05Cerberus Trooper Points 1Nov 1, 2014 18:14N7 Crusader UseNov 1, 2014 16:49
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Biotic Mastery85%
12 of 14Geth Engineer Waves Completed99%
198 of 200Stasis Use99%
49668 of 50000Geth Plasma Shotgun Use96%
134757 of 140000Geth Juggernaut Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Turian Soldier Waves Completed92%
185 of 200Cannibal Points 390%
405097 of 450000Batarian Soldier Extractions90%
9 of 10Grenade Damage Use 190%
90426 of 100000