
- Summary
Time played:104H 44M 40SGames played:398Current Credits:3,370Leaderboards:#62,382 (Top 6%)#76,267 (Top 10%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Rio: Bronze WavesJun 10, 2016 09:08Praetorian Points 1Jun 9, 2016 20:00M-12 Locust UseJun 9, 2016 19:55Firebase London: Bronze WavesJun 9, 2016 19:33Firebase Vancouver: Bronze WavesJun 9, 2016 18:39Firebase Ghost: Bronze WavesJun 8, 2016 11:12Stasis UseJun 7, 2016 21:39Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesJun 7, 2016 18:13Brute Points 2Jun 7, 2016 09:37Marauder Points 2Jun 7, 2016 09:35
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery84%
11 of 13Combat Mastery66%
8 of 12Geth Bomber Points 199%
149983 of 150000Collector Captain Points 296%
290500 of 300000Asari Justicar Waves Completed95%
191 of 200Firebase White: Bronze Waves94%
94 of 100Geth Pulse Rifle Use94%
189304 of 200000Scion Points 293%
281482 of 300000Hazard: Silver Waves93%
187 of 200Firebase Reactor: Bronze Waves90%
90 of 100