- Summary
Time played:60H 5M 55SGames played:207Current Credits:34,528Leaderboards:#146,520 (Top 12%)#204,477 (Top 26%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Trooper Points 1Apr 10, 2015 14:53N7 Slayer ExtractionsAug 24, 2013 18:13Headshots 1Aug 24, 2013 13:59Javelin UseDec 3, 2012 21:30Biotic Slash UseDec 3, 2012 21:04Bronze ExtractionsDec 2, 2012 16:17Tech Explosions Detonated 1Dec 2, 2012 16:14Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Nov 28, 2012 23:53Smash UseNov 24, 2012 19:14Operation PrivateerNov 24, 2012 14:10
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery28%
4 of 14Squad Elite12%
1 of 8Throw Use97%
48520 of 50000Cerberus Trooper Points 191%
136900 of 150000Phoenix Adept Extractions90%
9 of 10Reave Use88%
44086 of 50000Promotions83%
5 of 6Firebase Glacier: Bronze Waves76%
76 of 100Javelin Use75%
150093 of 200000Collector Trooper Points 173%
110046 of 150000