- Summary
Time played:128H 54M 16SGames played:439Current Credits:59,132Leaderboards:#70,613 (Top 6%)#54,561 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase London: Silver WavesJun 3, 2020 12:04Pull UseJun 3, 2020 01:02Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Jun 2, 2020 14:11Siege Pulse UseJun 1, 2020 18:25Geth Bomber Points 3Jun 1, 2020 18:23Firebase Condor ExtractionsJun 1, 2020 14:30N7 Typhoon UseJun 1, 2020 14:26Guardian Points 2Jun 1, 2020 14:26Banshee Points 3Jun 1, 2020 02:14M-96 Mattock UseJun 1, 2020 02:02
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21In-Game Medals Earned99%
4994 of 5000Geth Juggernaut Waves Completed99%
198 of 200Praetorian Points 298%
294309 of 300000Collector Rifle Use98%
137835 of 140000Disciple Use98%
137645 of 140000Geth Prime Points 396%
435045 of 450000Collector Captain Points 394%
426934 of 450000Ballistic Blade Use90%
45209 of 50000