
- Summary
Time played:194H 4M 2SGames played:637Current Credits:35,486Leaderboards:#93,518 (Top 8%)#31,712 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Glacier: Gold WavesDec 18, 2015 20:45M-12 Locust UseJan 21, 2015 20:14Phantom Points 1Jan 21, 2015 18:59Geth Prime Points 3Jan 17, 2015 21:54Flamer UseJan 17, 2015 21:11Warp UseJan 17, 2015 19:17Asari Commando Waves CompletedJan 17, 2015 15:48Annihilation Field UseJan 17, 2015 14:56Husk Points 3Jan 14, 2015 21:41Reaper MasteryJan 14, 2015 21:41
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12First Aid Medals97%
97 of 100Krogan Soldier Waves Completed97%
195 of 200Geth Bomber Points 397%
436540 of 450000Firebase Rio Extractions86%
13 of 15Dark Sphere Use85%
42572 of 50000Over-Cover Grab 284%
84 of 100M-25 Hornet Use83%
167987 of 200000Geth Plasma SMG Use82%
165813 of 200000