- Summary
Time played:49H 49M 50SGames played:209Current Credits:67,723Leaderboards:#236,709 (Top 20%)#138,749 (Top 18%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Jade: Bronze WavesAug 8, 2015 16:50Melee Damage Use 2Aug 8, 2015 16:36Banshee Points 1Aug 8, 2015 16:28Hazard: Silver WavesAug 8, 2015 16:26Cerberus Trooper Points 2May 2, 2014 14:02Tech Explosions Detonated 3May 1, 2014 07:31Centurion Points 1Apr 25, 2014 08:14Reegar Carbine UseApr 25, 2014 08:11Survival MedalsApr 25, 2014 07:52Brute Points 1Apr 25, 2014 07:17
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite62%
5 of 8Tech Mastery30%
4 of 13Geth Trooper Points 294%
283469 of 300000Cannibal Points 393%
419066 of 450000Dragoon Points 193%
140990 of 150000Ravager Points 191%
137595 of 150000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 191%
137485 of 150000Headshots 290%
450 of 500Phantom Points 189%
134137 of 150000Collector Trooper Points 289%
268585 of 300000