
- Summary
Time played:363H 8M 41SGames played:1115Current Credits:36,036,000Leaderboards:#15,913 (Top 2%)#30,451 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle UseAug 3, 2014 03:15Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle UseAug 3, 2014 02:41Incinerate UseAug 2, 2014 21:01M-13 Raptor UseFeb 11, 2014 23:42Cannibal Points 2Feb 11, 2014 23:41Krogan Soldier Waves CompletedFeb 11, 2014 23:12M-13 Raptor UseFeb 11, 2014 23:01Brute Points 1Feb 8, 2014 06:15Collector Trooper Points 1Feb 8, 2014 04:29M-358 Talon UseJun 16, 2013 04:13
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21SMG Mastery80%
4 of 5Executioner Pistol Use99%
138897 of 140000Melee Damage Use 298%
490022 of 500000Collector Captain Points 198%
148275 of 150000Sentry Turret Use98%
49158 of 50000Nemesis Points 397%
439976 of 450000Geth Proximity Mine Use95%
47695 of 50000Krogan Warlord Extractions90%
9 of 10Geth Trooper Points 189%
134774 of 150000