Dog of War

- Summary
Time played:158H 44M 50SGames played:488Current Credits:126,213Leaderboards:#14,299 (Top 2%)#21,020 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Solo GoldOct 24, 2014 10:47Geth Pyro Points 3Oct 24, 2014 10:38Geth Hunter Points 3Oct 24, 2014 10:33Biotic Charge UseOct 23, 2014 09:24Geth Bomber Points 2Oct 23, 2014 09:24Flamer UseOct 22, 2014 21:50Guardian Points 1Oct 22, 2014 21:45Reegar Carbine UseOct 22, 2014 20:56Cryo Blast UseOct 22, 2014 20:41Tech MasteryOct 22, 2014 20:41
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Geth Mastery77%
14 of 18Nemesis Points 196%
145313 of 150000Cannibal Points 296%
288845 of 300000Geth Prime Points 396%
434776 of 450000Atlas Points 296%
288908 of 300000Geth Trooper Points 396%
434691 of 450000Husk Points 195%
143623 of 150000Promotions95%
23 of 24Firebase Jade Extractions93%
14 of 15