
- Summary
Time played:560H 18M 25SGames played:2250Current Credits:19,882Leaderboards:#5,114 (Top 1%)#17,677 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Assault Rifle MedalsMar 30, 2022 00:58Cabal Vanguard ExtractionsDec 29, 2020 21:37M-7 Lancer UseDec 29, 2020 20:35Collector Trooper Points 2Dec 29, 2020 20:25Cabal Vanguard Waves CompletedDec 29, 2020 20:10Sniper Rifle MasteryNov 3, 2016 01:32Javelin UseNov 3, 2016 01:32M-13 Raptor UseNov 2, 2016 17:09M-7 Lancer UseNov 2, 2016 14:30Javelin UseNov 2, 2016 14:26
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Cerberus Mastery85%
18 of 21Scion Points 199%
149597 of 150000Ravager Points 198%
148339 of 150000Brute Points 197%
145670 of 150000Phantom Points 396%
436377 of 450000N7 Piranha Use92%
129190 of 140000Nemesis Points 391%
413214 of 450000Phoenix Adept Extractions90%
9 of 10Vorcha Sentinel Extractions90%
9 of 10