
- Summary
Time played:419H 44M 17SGames played:1241Current Credits:117,902Leaderboards:#12,494 (Top 2%)#18,964 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Prime Points 1Aug 22, 2016 19:30Tech MasteryAug 20, 2016 22:39Geth Turret UseAug 20, 2016 22:39Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Oct 15, 2014 21:08Geth Spitfire UseOct 15, 2014 20:20Geth Spitfire UseOct 7, 2014 18:16Collector MasteryOct 7, 2014 17:56Collector Trooper Points 3Oct 7, 2014 17:56Geth Juggernaut ExtractionsOct 7, 2014 17:52Dragoon Points 2Oct 7, 2014 17:40
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Commando Mastery83%
10 of 12Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18Geth Pyro Points 199%
148997 of 150000Cryo Blast Use98%
24578 of 25000Firebase Rio: Silver Waves97%
97 of 100Firebase Rio: Bronze Waves97%
97 of 100Collector SMG Use96%
135440 of 140000Collector SMG Use96%
135440 of 140000Graal Spike Thrower Use96%
134838 of 140000Assault Rifle Medals96%
96 of 100