- Summary
Time played:16H 11M 55SGames played:55Current Credits:7,576,312Leaderboards:#165,393 (Top 14%)#328,410 (Top 42%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsSep 19, 2016 01:03
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery16%
1 of 6Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9N7 Hurricane Use66%
92755 of 140000Carnage Use64%
32136 of 50000Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle Use60%
84245 of 140000N7 Destroyer Extractions60%
6 of 10Bronze Extractions52%
13 of 25Cannibal Points 152%
78936 of 150000Promotions50%
6 of 12Unknown Map Extractions48%
12 of 25