- Summary
Time played:363H 9M 40SGames played:1187Current Credits:6,047Leaderboards:#10,670 (Top 1%)#20,258 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Ravager Points 2Mar 1, 2014 21:20N7 Destroyer ExtractionsMar 1, 2014 20:59M-76 Revenant UseFeb 28, 2014 21:00Phantom Points 2Feb 28, 2014 20:17Reckoning MasteryFeb 28, 2014 19:47Alliance Infiltrator ExtractionsFeb 28, 2014 19:47Cannibal Points 3Feb 27, 2014 19:32Asari Valkyrie Waves CompletedFeb 23, 2014 17:00Commando MasteryFeb 23, 2014 17:00Turian Saboteur Waves CompletedFeb 23, 2014 15:24
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Marauder Points 399%
449849 of 450000Centurion Points 197%
145778 of 150000Striker Assault Rifle Use96%
134896 of 140000Geth Hunter Points 296%
290760 of 300000Firebase Hydra: Gold Waves95%
95 of 100Firebase Giant: Gold Waves94%
94 of 100Geth Prime Points 293%
281274 of 300000Collector Captain Points 393%
419383 of 450000