- Summary
Time played:21H 58M 56SGames played:68Current Credits:92,776,779Leaderboards:#302,987 (Top 25%)#219,277 (Top 28%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Silver ExtractionsFeb 24, 2017 14:30Cerberus Harrier UseNov 27, 2015 22:20Cerberus Trooper Points 1Nov 27, 2015 22:08Bronze ExtractionsNov 27, 2015 21:23Unknown Map ExtractionsNov 1, 2015 17:56Grenade Damage Use 1Nov 1, 2015 17:36Headshots 1Oct 23, 2015 23:00Biotic Charge UseOct 16, 2015 23:34Tech Explosions Detonated 1Oct 16, 2015 22:38
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite37%
3 of 8Combat Mastery16%
2 of 12Tech Explosions Detonated 297%
244 of 250Ballistic Blade Use96%
48030 of 50000Energy Drain Use96%
48134 of 50000Melee Damage Use 194%
236087 of 250000Unknown Enemy Extractions92%
23 of 25Reegar Carbine Use89%
125019 of 140000Headshots 286%
430 of 500Cannibal Points 185%
128032 of 150000