- Summary
Time played:38H 13M 13SGames played:132Current Credits:2,673,999Leaderboards:#74,463 (Top 7%)#120,729 (Top 16%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsAug 28, 2014 23:00Cannibal Points 2Aug 28, 2014 19:59PromotionsAug 28, 2014 19:18Geth Prime Points 1Aug 25, 2014 22:53Hazard: Silver WavesAug 25, 2014 22:46Marauder Points 1Aug 25, 2014 22:28Scion Points 1Aug 25, 2014 01:35Brute Points 1Aug 22, 2014 16:44Survival MedalsAug 22, 2014 04:55Centurion Points 1Aug 22, 2014 04:42
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite62%
5 of 8Combat Mastery50%
6 of 12Geth Trooper Points 399%
447045 of 450000Firebase London: Bronze Waves99%
99 of 100Abomination Points 199%
149645 of 150000Dragoon Points 198%
147777 of 150000Firebase Jade: Bronze Waves98%
98 of 100Guardian Points 195%
143587 of 150000M-11 Wraith Use94%
132179 of 140000Atlas Points 193%
140332 of 150000