- Summary
Time played:1H 48M 45SGames played:5Current Credits:32,643,880Leaderboards:#90,756 (Top 8%)#295,435 (Top 37%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsAug 6, 2020 23:18PromotionsAug 6, 2020 19:41
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery33%
2 of 6Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Promotions70%
17 of 24Promotions47%
17 of 36Promotions35%
17 of 48Tech Explosions Detonated 134%
17 of 50Squad Revives as Council Race30%
15 of 50Promotions28%
17 of 60Geth Plasma SMG Use25%
36025 of 140000Biotic Explosions Detonated 122%
11 of 50