- Summary
Time played:218H 32M 16SGames played:648Current Credits:1,045Leaderboards:#117,910 (Top 10%)#46,111 (Top 6%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 3Dec 20, 2014 09:05Geth Infiltrator ExtractionsDec 17, 2014 20:04Centurion Points 3Dec 17, 2014 18:57N7 Eagle UseOct 27, 2014 19:09N7 Slayer ExtractionsSep 26, 2014 18:39Biotic Slash UseSep 26, 2014 18:37Vorcha Sentinel ExtractionsJun 9, 2014 14:44Firebase Dagger: Gold WavesDec 16, 2013 18:28Firebase Hydra ExtractionsDec 15, 2013 15:40Firebase Ghost: Gold WavesDec 14, 2013 19:33
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Geth Bomber Points 399%
447785 of 450000N7 Crusader Use96%
134655 of 140000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 396%
434891 of 450000Firebase Rio Extractions93%
14 of 15Firebase Vancouver Extractions93%
14 of 15Geth Pulse Rifle Use92%
129269 of 140000N7 Shadow Extractions90%
9 of 10Abomination Points 390%
408874 of 450000