
- Summary
Time played:152H 10M 59SGames played:512Current Credits:88,098Leaderboards:#200,090 (Top 17%)#37,104 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
M-12 Locust UseMar 2, 2021 19:47Overload UseMar 2, 2021 19:47Geth Pulse Rifle UseMay 29, 2016 20:04Praetorian Points 2May 28, 2016 12:29Geth Pulse Rifle UseMay 27, 2016 08:31Firebase Jade: Silver WavesMay 20, 2016 17:23Atlas Points 3May 20, 2016 14:47Cerberus MasteryMay 20, 2016 14:47Firebase Jade: Bronze WavesMay 12, 2016 08:36Talon Mercenary ExtractionsJul 20, 2015 11:36
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Collector Mastery80%
12 of 15Scion Points 399%
447149 of 450000Melee Damage Use 296%
481165 of 500000Female Quarian Engineer Waves Completed94%
188 of 200Geth Trooper Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Geth Prime Points 390%
405971 of 450000Abomination Points 387%
395765 of 450000Volus Engineer Waves Completed86%
172 of 200Firebase Jade Extractions86%
13 of 15