- Summary
Time played:6H 37M 38SGames played:29Current Credits:852,789,664Leaderboards:#285,007 (Top 24%)#228,698 (Top 29%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Aug 16, 2016 19:42Cerberus Harrier UseAug 16, 2016 18:24M-7 Lancer UseAug 16, 2016 18:16M-7 Lancer UseAug 8, 2016 18:31Cerberus Trooper Points 1Aug 8, 2016 18:12Headshots 1Aug 8, 2016 17:51Cerberus Harrier UseAug 8, 2016 17:36
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Assault Rifle Mastery22%
2 of 9Rebellion Mastery11%
1 of 9Biotic Slash Use89%
44747 of 50000Bronze Extractions84%
21 of 25Turian Ghost Extractions80%
8 of 10Cannibal Points 179%
118754 of 150000Headshots 274%
374 of 500Unknown Enemy Extractions72%
18 of 25Cerberus Trooper Points 265%
196011 of 300000Geth Trooper Points 164%
96581 of 150000