- Summary
Time played:126H 54M 45SGames played:458Current Credits:10,800Leaderboards:#57,408 (Top 5%)#112,558 (Top 15%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
N7 Hurricane UseDec 23, 2013 01:11Firebase Reactor: Bronze WavesDec 22, 2013 02:07Firebase White: Bronze WavesNov 2, 2013 22:55Hazard ExtractionsOct 10, 2013 07:18Overload UseOct 10, 2013 07:09M-8 Avenger UseOct 10, 2013 06:52Collector Trooper Points 2Sep 12, 2013 01:13Firebase Hydra ExtractionsSep 11, 2013 22:04Centurion Points 1Sep 11, 2013 22:04Biotic Slash UseSep 11, 2013 04:17
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite50%
4 of 8Combat Mastery41%
5 of 12Firebase Goddess: Bronze Waves98%
98 of 100Singularity Use98%
49152 of 50000Abomination Points 198%
147445 of 150000Collector Captain Points 196%
145348 of 150000Firebase Condor: Bronze Waves96%
96 of 100Geth Trooper Points 295%
286266 of 300000Firebase Vancouver Extractions93%
14 of 15Geth Turret Use92%
46313 of 50000