
- Summary
Time played:136H 5M 30SGames played:446Current Credits:24,888Leaderboards:#37,776 (Top 4%)#49,098 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Vancouver: Silver WavesFeb 18, 2015 17:19N7 Demolisher ExtractionsFeb 18, 2015 17:02Firebase Condor: Silver WavesFeb 18, 2015 16:12Nova UseFeb 13, 2015 13:34Firebase Vancouver ExtractionsMay 2, 2014 20:29Vorcha Soldier ExtractionsMay 1, 2014 22:50Firebase Dagger: Silver WavesMay 1, 2014 21:25Hazard ExtractionsApr 29, 2014 19:43M-15 Vindicator UseApr 29, 2014 19:42M-55 Argus Assault Rifle UseApr 29, 2014 18:56
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery77%
7 of 9Reaper Mastery77%
14 of 18Scion Points 298%
295966 of 300000Firebase Goddess: Bronze Waves96%
96 of 100Brute Points 395%
431587 of 450000Firebase London: Silver Waves94%
94 of 100Dragoon Points 392%
416742 of 450000Husk Points 292%
278054 of 300000Firebase Glacier: Silver Waves91%
91 of 100Geth Hunter Points 391%
409606 of 450000