- Summary
Time played:119H 44M 17SGames played:421Current Credits:29,749Leaderboards:#143,308 (Top 12%)#58,272 (Top 8%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Phantom Points 3May 4, 2015 21:10Abomination Points 3May 3, 2015 20:31Firebase Goddess: Silver WavesMay 2, 2015 22:38In-Game Medals EarnedNov 1, 2014 00:28Geth Pyro Points 3Nov 1, 2014 00:13Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Nov 1, 2014 00:09Geth Trooper Waves CompletedOct 30, 2014 20:57Melee Damage Use 2Oct 30, 2014 20:52Firebase Ghost: Silver WavesOct 30, 2014 18:25M-8 Avenger UseOct 30, 2014 15:23
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Cerberus Mastery85%
18 of 21Phoenix Vanguard Waves Completed99%
199 of 200Husk Points 398%
441895 of 450000Praetorian Points 297%
291875 of 300000Firebase Dagger: Silver Waves96%
96 of 100Guardian Points 395%
429905 of 450000Banshee Points 394%
423356 of 450000Drell Adept Waves Completed94%
188 of 200M-96 Mattock Use93%
130390 of 140000