- Summary
Time played:47H 40M 52SGames played:194Current Credits:32,162Leaderboards:#203,387 (Top 17%)#114,548 (Top 15%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Goddess: Bronze WavesJun 3, 2017 17:38Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesAug 7, 2016 02:26Geth Trooper Points 2Aug 7, 2016 02:23Energy Drain UseAug 5, 2016 23:11Ravager Points 1Aug 5, 2016 22:51Silver ExtractionsAug 5, 2016 21:12Firebase Vancouver: Bronze WavesAug 5, 2016 21:07Brute Points 1Mar 6, 2016 19:09Survival MedalsOct 21, 2015 01:26Incinerate UseOct 21, 2015 00:54
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite62%
5 of 8Combat Mastery50%
6 of 12Atlas Points 198%
147494 of 150000Husk Points 196%
145123 of 150000Nemesis Points 194%
142386 of 150000Phantom Points 191%
137222 of 150000Female Quarian Infiltrator Waves Completed90%
181 of 200Geth Hunter Points 189%
134678 of 150000Collector Captain Points 189%
134690 of 150000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 187%
130993 of 150000