
- Summary
Time played:505H 36M 41SGames played:1538Current Credits:470,594Leaderboards:#30,127 (Top 3%)#11,925 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 3Aug 14, 2016 00:53Melee Damage Use 3Aug 14, 2016 00:51Firebase Goddess: Bronze WavesAug 14, 2016 00:14Firebase Goddess: Silver WavesAug 14, 2016 00:14Geth Bomber Points 3Aug 13, 2016 23:34Firebase Giant: Silver WavesOct 25, 2015 00:57Phantom Points 1Oct 25, 2015 00:47Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesOct 24, 2015 23:55Firebase White: Silver WavesSep 27, 2015 03:01N7 Paladin ExtractionsSep 27, 2015 00:25
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Asari Vanguard Waves Completed99%
199 of 200Striker Assault Rifle Use99%
138676 of 140000Electric Slash Use98%
49451 of 50000Hazard: Gold Waves98%
197 of 200Geth Rocket Trooper Points 396%
433225 of 450000Points Earned95%
23897395 of 25000000Phaeston Use95%
190226 of 200000Ravager Points 394%
426372 of 450000