- Summary
Time played:91H 25M 17SGames played:290Current Credits:13,632Leaderboards:#102,283 (Top 9%)#685,480 (Top 86%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
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- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Commando Mastery0%
0 of 12Headshots 152%
132 of 250Headshots 226%
132 of 500Javelin Use24%
34517 of 140000M-99 Saber Use21%
29732 of 140000N7 Hurricane Use20%
28550 of 140000Geth Infiltrator Waves Completed18%
37 of 200Hazard: Bronze Waves18%
36 of 200Javelin Use17%
34517 of 200000