- Summary
Time played:7H 4M 26SGames played:50Current Credits:86,639,921Leaderboards:#109,720 (Top 9%)#210,156 (Top 27%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle UseNov 14, 2020 22:40Cerberus Trooper Points 2Nov 14, 2020 22:38Geth Trooper Points 1Nov 14, 2020 21:26Grenade Damage Use 1Jul 26, 2020 02:08Incinerate UseJul 26, 2020 01:47PromotionsJul 25, 2020 22:30Headshots 1Jul 25, 2020 16:44Biotic Charge UseJul 25, 2020 15:42PromotionsJul 25, 2020 14:58Cerberus Trooper Points 1Jul 25, 2020 12:26
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery33%
2 of 6Combat Mastery16%
2 of 12Headshots 288%
441 of 500Grenade Damage Use 288%
177313 of 200000M-11 Wraith Use82%
115060 of 140000Geth Trooper Points 277%
231934 of 300000Cerberus Trooper Points 374%
336048 of 450000Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle Use71%
100634 of 140000Tech Explosions Detonated 170%
35 of 50Solo Bronze60%
6 of 10