
- Summary
Time played:224H 37M 43SGames played:736Current Credits:69,970Leaderboards:#27,110 (Top 3%)#72,243 (Top 10%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase White: Silver WavesSep 25, 2015 23:45Vorcha Sentinel Waves CompletedSep 25, 2015 23:23Flamer UseSep 25, 2015 22:08M-99 Saber UseSep 22, 2015 21:16Firebase White: Bronze WavesSep 22, 2015 20:16Firebase Condor: Bronze WavesSep 19, 2015 23:04Firebase Condor: Silver WavesSep 19, 2015 23:04Brute Points 3Sep 19, 2015 22:43Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Sep 19, 2015 22:24Geth Hunter Points 2Sep 19, 2015 22:17
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18Map Mastery67%
27 of 40Atlas Points 298%
296787 of 300000Geth Pulse Rifle Use96%
193831 of 200000Collector Trooper Points 395%
430100 of 450000Abomination Points 295%
286126 of 300000Scion Points 294%
282257 of 300000Ravager Points 394%
424331 of 450000Grenade Damage Use 192%
92748 of 100000Tech Explosions Detonated 288%
220 of 250