
- Summary
Time played:161H 30M 8SGames played:574Current Credits:10,335Leaderboards:#40,239 (Top 4%)#48,928 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Plasma SMG UseAug 5, 2021 02:37Geth Infiltrator ExtractionsAug 4, 2020 19:32Batarian Sentinel ExtractionsAug 1, 2020 03:43Guardian Points 2Aug 1, 2020 03:41N7 Slayer ExtractionsJul 31, 2020 19:08Rebellion MasteryJul 31, 2020 16:40Reegar Carbine UseJul 31, 2020 16:40Firebase Goddess ExtractionsJul 31, 2020 00:33N7 Paladin ExtractionsJul 30, 2020 23:06Reegar Carbine UseJul 30, 2020 20:44
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery75%
9 of 12Resurgence Mastery66%
6 of 9Krogan Battlemaster Waves Completed99%
199 of 200Abomination Points 299%
297128 of 300000Geth Prime Points 296%
288823 of 300000Female Quarian Engineer Waves Completed95%
191 of 200Collector Assault Rifle Use95%
191312 of 200000Praetorian Points 295%
287412 of 300000Brute Points 394%
427413 of 450000Dragoon Points 293%
279576 of 300000