- Summary
Time played:15H 40M 53SGames played:50Current Credits:83,847Leaderboards:#247,273 (Top 21%)#226,573 (Top 29%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Unknown Map ExtractionsSep 21, 2016 07:02Black Widow UseSep 20, 2016 11:54Unknown Enemy ExtractionsSep 19, 2016 20:32Headshots 1Sep 17, 2016 08:52Bronze ExtractionsDec 23, 2014 10:11Turian Ghost ExtractionsDec 22, 2014 11:10Tech Explosions Detonated 1Dec 21, 2014 12:54Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Dec 12, 2014 19:27
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite37%
3 of 8Retaliation Mastery16%
1 of 6Hazard: Bronze Waves91%
182 of 200N7 Crusader Use73%
103171 of 140000Headshots 271%
358 of 500Tech Explosions Detonated 268%
171 of 250Biotic Charge Use67%
33939 of 50000Overload Use64%
32375 of 50000Turian Ghost Waves Completed62%
125 of 200Silver Extractions60%
15 of 25