Council Operative

- Summary
Time played:309H 20M 3SGames played:1043Current Credits:4,782Leaderboards:#12,595 (Top 2%)#18,429 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Flamer UseSep 7, 2015 16:39Firebase Giant: Gold WavesSep 7, 2015 15:25Vorcha Sentinel Waves CompletedSep 5, 2015 15:37Phantom Points 2Sep 5, 2015 15:19Headshots 3Sep 5, 2015 15:06Ravager Points 2Sep 5, 2015 14:18Guardian Points 1Sep 5, 2015 14:03Centurion Points 1Sep 4, 2015 13:46Geth Spitfire UseSep 4, 2015 13:31Geth Juggernaut Waves CompletedSep 4, 2015 12:57
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Map Mastery75%
30 of 40Reaper Mastery66%
12 of 18Nemesis Points 197%
146363 of 150000Tech Explosions Detonated 296%
240 of 250Melee Damage Use 295%
477704 of 500000Black Widow Use95%
133886 of 140000Vorcha Sentinel Extractions90%
9 of 10Batarian Soldier Extractions90%
9 of 10Assault Rifle Medals90%
90 of 100Cannibal Points 390%
406609 of 450000