- Summary
Time played:194H 30M 58SGames played:613Current Credits:43,524Leaderboards:#47,593 (Top 4%)#48,610 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Prime Points 1Jul 5, 2014 07:42Cannibal Points 2Jul 5, 2014 07:15Marauder Points 2Jul 5, 2014 07:11Brute Points 1Jul 5, 2014 06:58Combat Drone UseJan 3, 2014 23:51M-6 Carnifex UseJan 3, 2014 23:33Husk Points 1Jan 3, 2014 23:28N7 Destroyer ExtractionsDec 26, 2013 03:55M-11 Wraith UseDec 26, 2013 03:34Assault Rifle MasteryDec 26, 2013 00:52
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Biotic Mastery78%
11 of 14Firebase Dagger: Silver Waves99%
99 of 100Geth Trooper Points 398%
444309 of 450000Ravager Points 197%
146543 of 150000Banshee Points 194%
141885 of 150000Collector Captain Points 391%
412057 of 450000Scion Points 290%
272548 of 300000M-5 Phalanx Use89%
124742 of 140000Melee Damage Use 287%
436310 of 500000