
- Summary
Time played:133H 40M 44SGames played:411Current Credits:70,884Leaderboards:#289,591 (Top 24%)#49,345 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Batarian Slasher Waves CompletedAug 11, 2015 18:51Nemesis Points 3Feb 4, 2015 07:27Melee Damage Use 2Feb 4, 2015 07:04Husk Points 3Feb 4, 2015 06:58Reaper MasteryFeb 4, 2015 06:58Praetorian Points 1Oct 3, 2014 06:57Disciple UseOct 1, 2014 06:57In-Game Medals EarnedOct 1, 2014 04:42Firebase Jade ExtractionsOct 1, 2014 04:06Atlas Points 3Sep 24, 2014 08:01
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Scion Points 197%
146473 of 150000Guardian Points 396%
434238 of 450000Geth Bomber Points 395%
427935 of 450000Reave Use94%
47387 of 50000M-4 Shuriken Use91%
128605 of 140000Throw Use88%
44086 of 50000Disciple Use86%
172904 of 200000Firebase Rio Extractions86%
13 of 15