
- Summary
Time played:309H 55M 21SGames played:1193Current Credits:96,864Leaderboards:#16,876 (Top 2%)#17,926 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Collector Assault Rifle UseSep 3, 2014 23:41Retaliation MasterySep 3, 2014 23:41Collector Rifle UseSep 3, 2014 23:04Volus Engineer ExtractionsSep 3, 2014 03:56Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Sep 2, 2014 04:11M-98 Widow UseSep 2, 2014 00:31Rebellion MasterySep 2, 2014 00:15Reegar Carbine UseSep 2, 2014 00:15Geth Pyro Points 2Sep 1, 2014 22:38Quarian Infiltrator ExtractionsSep 1, 2014 22:23
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Squad Elite75%
6 of 8Scion Points 399%
449396 of 450000Shockwave Use99%
49776 of 50000Centurion Points 199%
149501 of 150000Marauder Points 197%
146051 of 150000Phoenix Vanguard Waves Completed96%
193 of 200Hazard: Silver Waves90%
181 of 200Ravager Points 190%
135071 of 150000AT-12 Raider Shotgun Use87%
122511 of 140000