
- Summary
Time played:260H 5M 45SGames played:781Current Credits:72,200Leaderboards:#81,939 (Top 7%)#43,830 (Top 6%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Melee Damage Use 3Jun 8, 2016 19:59Shadow Strike UseAug 23, 2015 22:51Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Aug 18, 2015 23:52Krogan Warlord ExtractionsAug 18, 2015 21:58Geth MasteryAug 18, 2015 21:47Geth Bomber Points 3Aug 18, 2015 21:47Firebase Hydra ExtractionsSep 3, 2014 14:29Submission Net UseSep 3, 2014 13:41Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Aug 25, 2014 16:26Shockwave UseAug 25, 2014 15:52
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Cerberus Mastery80%
17 of 21Javelin Use99%
198416 of 200000Kishock Harpoon Gun Use98%
137278 of 140000Phaeston Use97%
137029 of 140000M-98 Widow Use97%
136372 of 140000Centurion Points 394%
425948 of 450000Nemesis Points 394%
426520 of 450000Firebase Ghost: Gold Waves93%
93 of 100Husk Points 393%
421280 of 450000