
- Summary
Time played:25H 13M 18SGames played:74Current Credits:1,192,304,908Leaderboards:#68,752 (Top 6%)#110,451 (Top 14%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
N7 Piranha UseSep 6, 2020 08:23Geth Proximity Mine UseSep 6, 2020 08:16N7 Piranha UseSep 4, 2020 16:55Cobra Missile Launcher UseSep 4, 2020 16:51Firebase Giant: Gold WavesAug 29, 2020 17:15Energy Drain UseAug 29, 2020 16:51Marauder Points 2Aug 29, 2020 16:39Unknown Enemy ExtractionsAug 29, 2020 16:33Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesAug 29, 2020 16:25Firebase Giant: Silver WavesAug 29, 2020 16:25
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite75%
6 of 8Reaper Mastery61%
11 of 18Husk Points 199%
149911 of 150000Krogan Warlord Waves Completed98%
197 of 200Phantom Points 398%
443825 of 450000M-98 Widow Use95%
133136 of 140000Firebase Glacier: Bronze Waves95%
95 of 100Atlas Points 394%
425839 of 450000Promotions91%
22 of 24Dragoon Points 188%
132143 of 150000