
- Summary
Time played:303H 50M 5SGames played:1097Current Credits:819Leaderboards:#9,571 (Top 1%)#13,967 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Energy Drain UseAug 30, 2014 20:03Cryo Blast UseAug 30, 2014 19:55Brute Points 2Aug 23, 2014 16:31PromotionsAug 20, 2014 23:08Throw UseAug 18, 2014 14:46Husk Points 1Aug 18, 2014 14:32Reave UseAug 18, 2014 00:30M-6 Carnifex UseAug 17, 2014 23:52Collector MasteryAug 16, 2014 00:27Praetorian Points 3Aug 16, 2014 00:27
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Rebellion Mastery77%
7 of 9Melee Damage Use 299%
498700 of 500000Krogan Warlord Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Ravager Points 296%
288358 of 300000Nemesis Points 396%
435877 of 450000Executioner Pistol Use95%
191742 of 200000In-Game Medals Earned92%
4642 of 5000Marauder Points 391%
411642 of 450000Geth Pyro Points 190%
135198 of 150000