- Summary
Time played:18H 36M 49SGames played:55Current Credits:463,729,996Leaderboards:#165,518 (Top 14%)#184,465 (Top 24%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsMar 3, 2019 19:44Headshots 1Aug 21, 2016 04:18Dark Channel UseAug 15, 2016 22:19Tech Explosions Detonated 1Aug 15, 2016 06:58Bronze ExtractionsAug 15, 2016 06:19Silver ExtractionsAug 15, 2016 06:19N7 Fury ExtractionsAug 15, 2016 06:19Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Aug 15, 2016 06:06Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Aug 15, 2016 05:06Geth Trooper Points 1Aug 15, 2016 05:05
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery35%
5 of 14Squad Elite25%
2 of 8Geth Pyro Points 192%
138386 of 150000Geth Hunter Points 191%
137678 of 150000Firebase White: Bronze Waves84%
84 of 100Geth Prime Points 179%
119171 of 150000Geth Trooper Points 277%
231219 of 300000Firebase White: Silver Waves74%
74 of 100Geth Rocket Trooper Points 173%
110346 of 150000Cerberus Trooper Points 169%
103748 of 150000