
- Summary
Time played:301H 41M 41SGames played:984Current Credits:66,431Leaderboards:#16,946 (Top 2%)#29,513 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsMay 15, 2016 03:09N7 MasteryMay 15, 2016 03:09Praetorian Points 3May 14, 2016 03:37Collector MasteryMay 14, 2016 03:37Sniper Rifle MedalsMay 11, 2016 04:19Rebellion MasteryMay 10, 2016 01:59Phoenix Vanguard ExtractionsMay 10, 2016 01:59Banshee Points 1May 9, 2016 01:55Biotic Orbs UseMay 8, 2016 23:16Biotic MasteryMay 8, 2016 23:16
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery76%
10 of 13Map Mastery70%
28 of 40Ravager Points 194%
142320 of 150000Graal Spike Thrower Use94%
132114 of 140000Krogan Battlemaster Waves Completed91%
183 of 200Vorcha Hunter Waves Completed88%
177 of 200Firebase Hydra Extractions80%
12 of 15M-13 Raptor Use76%
153857 of 200000Marauder Points 275%
225373 of 300000Points Earned74%
18685929 of 25000000