
- Summary
Time played:207H 58M 51SGames played:704Current Credits:26,721Leaderboards:#27,205 (Top 3%)#44,298 (Top 6%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 3Jun 6, 2014 17:45Geth Pulse Rifle UseJun 6, 2014 17:13Geth Engineer Waves CompletedJun 6, 2014 17:01Firebase Hydra ExtractionsAug 6, 2013 15:53Scion Points 3Jul 26, 2013 20:32Stasis UseJul 26, 2013 19:51Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Jul 26, 2013 19:46Awakened Collector ExtractionsJul 26, 2013 19:07Dark Sphere UseJul 26, 2013 17:04Guardian Points 2Jul 26, 2013 15:18
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14Collector Mastery86%
13 of 15Assault Rifle Medals99%
99 of 100Phantom Points 396%
432425 of 450000Drell Assassin Waves Completed96%
193 of 200Overload Use96%
48008 of 50000Banshee Points 394%
425548 of 450000Weekend Challenge93%
46722 of 50000Dragoon Points 393%
420579 of 450000Asari Vanguard Waves Completed93%
187 of 200