Best of the Best

- Summary
Time played:528H 35M 13SGames played:1766Current Credits:117,570Leaderboards:#24,687 (Top 3%)#7,994 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Dagger: Bronze WavesDec 31, 2014 13:54Shotgun MedalsDec 31, 2014 13:30Phantom Points 1Nov 7, 2014 18:34Praetorian Points 3Nov 7, 2014 15:48Marauder Points 1Nov 6, 2014 20:09Geth Hunter Points 2Nov 6, 2014 19:55Firebase Jade: Bronze WavesAug 31, 2014 06:59Scion Points 2Aug 30, 2014 21:54N7 MasteryJul 15, 2014 16:39PromotionsJul 15, 2014 16:39
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery75%
9 of 12Collector Mastery73%
11 of 15Firebase London: Bronze Waves99%
99 of 100Firebase Rio: Silver Waves99%
99 of 100Geth Plasma Shotgun Use98%
138542 of 140000Firebase Dagger: Silver Waves98%
98 of 100Geth Pyro Points 297%
292974 of 300000Geth Trooper Points 296%
289159 of 300000Collector Assault Rifle Use94%
189101 of 200000Firebase Goddess Extractions93%
14 of 15