- Summary
Time played:1694H 38M 2SGames played:5358Current Credits:719,545Leaderboards:#1,009 (Top 1%)#2,018 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Quarian Infiltrator ExtractionsAug 9, 2020 07:40Scion Points 2Jul 26, 2020 13:41Grenade Damage Use 3Jul 26, 2020 13:38Sniper Rifle MedalsJul 24, 2020 21:01Black Widow UseJul 24, 2020 20:49M-97 Viper UseJul 24, 2020 11:13Incinerate UseJul 22, 2020 12:06Female Quarian Engineer Waves CompletedJul 22, 2020 12:03Atlas Points 3Jul 21, 2020 10:06Sentry Turret UseJul 11, 2020 00:50
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Sniper Rifle Mastery88%
8 of 9Cerberus Mastery85%
18 of 21Husk Points 199%
148607 of 150000Arc Pistol Use98%
138097 of 140000Guardian Points 397%
439175 of 450000Geth Prime Points 197%
145544 of 150000Pistol Medals95%
95 of 100Brute Points 194%
142159 of 150000Firebase White: Gold Waves93%
93 of 100Cryo Blast Use93%
23499 of 25000