- Summary
Time played:24H 12M 3SGames played:76Current Credits:63,409Leaderboards:#311,309 (Top 26%)#180,455 (Top 23%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 2Jun 16, 2013 15:59Flamer UseJun 7, 2013 22:19Squad Revives as Council RaceJun 7, 2013 18:13Unknown Enemy ExtractionsJun 6, 2013 21:10Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Jun 6, 2013 20:07Dark Sphere UseJun 6, 2013 12:22Unknown Map ExtractionsJun 2, 2013 20:10Electrical Hammer UseApr 15, 2013 00:06Biotic Hammer UseApr 14, 2013 23:39Silver ExtractionsApr 14, 2013 21:40
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite50%
4 of 8Tech Mastery30%
4 of 13Melee Damage Use 197%
244854 of 250000Warp Use96%
48048 of 50000Reegar Carbine Use91%
128693 of 140000Geth Plasma SMG Use78%
110567 of 140000Sentry Turret Use77%
38775 of 50000Hazard: Bronze Waves76%
153 of 200Hazard: Silver Waves76%
153 of 200Dragoon Points 172%
108357 of 150000