- Summary
Time played:7H 24M 15SGames played:22Current Credits:866,470,513Leaderboards:#102,342 (Top 9%)#255,643 (Top 32%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Cerberus Harrier UseOct 15, 2015 18:36Cerberus Harrier UseOct 15, 2015 18:07PromotionsOct 12, 2015 08:57PromotionsOct 11, 2015 19:31
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery33%
2 of 6Rebellion Mastery11%
1 of 9Squad Revives as Council Race72%
36 of 50Turian Ghost Extractions60%
6 of 10M-13 Raptor Use58%
81222 of 140000Silver Extractions56%
14 of 25Bronze Extractions56%
14 of 25Promotions54%
13 of 24Unknown Map Extractions48%
12 of 25Headshots 146%
115 of 250