- Summary
Time played:58H 12M 27SGames played:175Current Credits:77,317Leaderboards:#89,131 (Top 8%)#180,451 (Top 23%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Engineer Waves CompletedJun 20, 2015 21:57PromotionsJun 20, 2015 21:51Tech Explosions Detonated 2Jun 17, 2015 17:42Silver ExtractionsJun 14, 2015 23:50Bronze ExtractionsJun 13, 2015 17:07Overload UseJun 13, 2015 17:02Throw UseOct 3, 2014 13:06Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Oct 1, 2014 21:04Geth Engineer ExtractionsMar 23, 2014 14:15Sentry Turret UseMar 14, 2013 21:01
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery38%
5 of 13Squad Elite25%
2 of 8Dark Channel Use96%
48137 of 50000Unknown Map Extractions84%
21 of 25Tech Explosions Detonated 381%
407 of 500Warp Use74%
37144 of 50000Unknown Enemy Extractions68%
17 of 25Cannibal Points 166%
99340 of 150000N7 Weekend Challenge I66%
2 of 3Banshee Points 164%
96301 of 150000