- Summary
Time played:25H 19M 20SGames played:74Current Credits:53,581,838Leaderboards:#77,347 (Top 7%)#97,422 (Top 13%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Venom Shotgun UseMay 30, 2021 19:52Ravager Points 3May 23, 2021 01:04Marauder Points 3May 23, 2021 01:03Cobra Missile Launcher UseJul 7, 2020 00:46Overload UseJul 7, 2020 00:43Cryo Blast UseJul 6, 2020 23:45Snap Freeze UseJul 6, 2020 23:38N7 Demolisher ExtractionsOct 22, 2019 03:59Atlas Points 1Oct 21, 2019 04:15N7 Crusader UseOct 21, 2019 03:12
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Squad Elite75%
6 of 8M-11 Wraith Use98%
137902 of 140000Phantom Points 294%
282788 of 300000Venom Shotgun Use94%
189333 of 200000Collector Trooper Points 192%
138451 of 150000Geth Bomber Points 192%
138362 of 150000Headshots 292%
461 of 500N7 Fury Extractions90%
9 of 10Geth Plasma Shotgun Use89%
125744 of 140000