- Summary
Time played:151H 47M 39SGames played:574Current Credits:91,618Leaderboards:#296,035 (Top 25%)#71,341 (Top 9%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
In-Game Medals EarnedMay 8, 2014 10:55Atlas Points 2May 8, 2014 10:44Praetorian Points 1May 4, 2014 22:34Firebase Hydra: Silver WavesMay 3, 2014 16:01Firebase Rio ExtractionsApr 28, 2014 17:45Firebase Rio: Silver WavesApr 28, 2014 17:24Drell Vanguard Waves CompletedApr 26, 2014 20:24Geth Pyro Points 2Apr 26, 2014 20:17Phantom Points 2Apr 19, 2014 15:00Guardian Points 3Apr 15, 2014 09:31
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery80%
17 of 21Collector Mastery73%
11 of 15Shockwave Use96%
48269 of 50000Firebase Reactor: Silver Waves95%
95 of 100Firebase Condor: Silver Waves92%
92 of 100Brute Points 391%
411985 of 450000Geth Bomber Points 291%
275120 of 300000Abomination Points 391%
411458 of 450000Dragoon Points 390%
407615 of 450000N7 Valiant Use87%
122688 of 140000