- Summary
Time played:4H 50M 21SGames played:15Current Credits:86,386,813Leaderboards:#53,483 (Top 5%)#243,188 (Top 31%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 1Aug 1, 2018 05:30PromotionsJul 30, 2018 15:33PromotionsJan 1, 2016 20:52PromotionsDec 31, 2015 23:31
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery50%
3 of 6Tech Mastery7%
1 of 13Promotions77%
28 of 36Biotic Charge Use62%
31172 of 50000Promotions58%
28 of 48Grenade Damage Use 149%
49149 of 100000Promotions46%
28 of 60Cerberus Trooper Points 146%
69028 of 150000Bronze Extractions44%
11 of 25Collector Trooper Points 144%
66829 of 150000