- Summary
Time played:54H 41M 12SGames played:290Current Credits:3,817,306Leaderboards:#56,407 (Top 5%)#105,799 (Top 14%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Cerberus Harrier UseJul 8, 2016 04:35Reegar Carbine UseJul 7, 2016 04:46Cerberus Harrier UseJul 6, 2016 04:29Reegar Carbine UseJul 5, 2016 04:32Centurion Points 2Jul 5, 2016 04:24Geth Pyro Points 1Jul 4, 2016 04:38Geth Bomber Points 1Jul 1, 2016 15:47Geth Hunter Points 1Jul 1, 2016 15:31Biotic Charge UseJun 28, 2016 23:51PromotionsJun 28, 2016 14:38
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite62%
5 of 8N7 Mastery50%
3 of 6Husk Points 299%
298069 of 300000Hazard: Silver Waves98%
196 of 200Melee Damage Use 397%
974283 of 1000000Firebase Vancouver: Bronze Waves93%
93 of 100Hex Shield Use92%
23009 of 25000Geth Prime Points 190%
135574 of 150000Geth Trooper Points 388%
399993 of 450000Dragoon Points 287%
262167 of 300000